Difference among Snus, Chew Bags and Snuff

Snus and Chew Bags?

Snus and chew bags are both forms of smokeless tobacco products, but they differ in how they are used and the way the tobacco is packaged.


Snus Bags:

Snus bags, also known as portion pouches, are small pre-packaged sachets containing a moist tobacco blend.

The snus pouches are typically rectangular or teabag-shaped and are made of a porous material that allows the flavors and nicotine to be released gradually.

Snus pouches are designed to be placed under the upper lip, where the tobacco is in direct contact with the oral mucosa for nicotine absorption.

Snus pouches come in various flavors, strengths, and sizes to cater to different preferences.

Chew Bags:

Chew bags, also called snus-like bags or nicotine pouches, are similar to snus pouches in appearance and packaging.

However, unlike snus, chew bags do not contain tobacco leaves. Instead, they consist of a pouch filled with plant fibers, nicotine, flavorings, and other additives.

Chew bags are placed under the upper lip, just like snus pouches, and provide a similar nicotine experience without the use of tobacco.

Chew bags are available in different nicotine strengths and flavors, providing options for users to choose from.

Difference Between Snus and Snuff

Snus and snuff are both smokeless tobacco products, but they differ in their composition, production methods, and usage.

Snus and snuff are both smokeless tobacco products, but they differ in their composition, production methods, and usage.



Snus is made from a mixture of ground tobacco leaves, water, salt, and often flavorings. The tobacco is typically pasteurized during the manufacturing process, which reduces the levels of certain harmful substances. Snus is packaged in small, pre-portioned pouches that are placed under the upper lip for nicotine absorption.


Snuff, also known as dry snuff or nasal snuff, is a finely ground or powdered tobacco product. It is typically flavored and may contain additional ingredients like menthol. Snuff is generally sniffed or inhaled through the nose, where the nicotine is absorbed through the nasal membranes.

Production and Manufacturing:


The production of snus involves grinding tobacco leaves, adding water and flavorings, and then pasteurizing the mixture. The resulting moist tobacco blend is portioned into small pouches and packaged for sale.


Snuff is produced by grinding or pulverizing tobacco leaves into a fine powder. The tobacco is often blended with flavorings and other additives before being packaged and sold in different forms, such as loose snuff or snuff sachets.



Snus is placed under the upper lip, where the moist pouch releases nicotine and flavors gradually as it comes into contact with the oral mucosa. It is not meant to be chewed or swallowed.


Snuff is typically sniffed or inhaled through the nose. A small amount of powdered snuff is taken between the thumb and index finger and then sniffed into the nostrils. The user can also "pinch" or "dip" a small portion of snuff into the lower front lip and gum, where it is absorbed orally.

Regional Variations:


Snus has a strong presence and popularity in Sweden and some other Scandinavian countries. It is legally sold and used in Sweden but is heavily regulated or banned in other countries.


Snuff has a more global presence, with variations and cultural preferences in different regions. It has been historically popular in regions such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States, where different forms of snuff have been used.